'John Valentino explains how healthy soil stores carbon from the atmosphere, making it one option to reversing the negative effects of climate change! John and Chip break down what is the main problem with climate change, a potential solution to fix it, and how we can each do our own part to make our soil, food, plants, and environment healthier. This message directly connects to our organic soil products that center around the soil food web and infusing/encouraging life in your soil. Using the tips in this video in tandem with John & Bob’s smart soil products you will be able to completely change your soil and help the environment a little bit along the way. :) If you find this video informative and want to learn more about organic soil products, then be sure to check out our website (www.johnandbobs.com) and follow us on social media! www.johnandbobs.com - CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE! @johnandbobs - FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK/INSTAGRAM/TWITTER! soil, garden, garden soil, organic, garden tips, compost, food, soil food web, johnandbobs, john & bobs, maximize, optimize, nourish-biosol, blend, penetrate, smart soil solutions, tutorial, improve soil, soil food, organic matter, chip chat, fresno, outdoor space, pasture, meadow, climate change, carbon, carbon in the atmosphere, carbon dioxide, carbon in soil, regenerative agriculture, degenerative agriculture, horticulture, sheep, climate change solution Music: www.bensound.com https://youtu.be/t1zXShH25I8'
Tags: Food , Organic , garden , outdoor space , horticulture , FRESNO , climate change , Pasture , garden tips , blend , Soil , soil food web , carbon dioxide , compost , Carbon , optimize , organic matter , regenerative agriculture , maximize , regenerative farming , carbon sequestration , Garden Soil , johnandbobs , john & bobs , nourish-biosol , penetrate , improve soil , smart soil solutions , soil food , chip chat , meadow , carbon in the atmosphere , carbon in soil , degenerative agriculture , climate change solution
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